In many offices, receptions, factories, shops, working at home, workshops, etc the use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) computer workstations and Visual Display Units (VDU's) is commonplace these days and the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 require all employers:-
To minimise the risk to all employees, who are deemed to be users, from the use of a VDU and computer workstation by ensuring all workplaces and jobs are well designed.
If you have employees, or even yourself the employer, that spend more than a couple of hours per day, either in one go or cumulatively, sat at a desk they are then deemed to be users and from using a badly set out computer workstation they could experience headaches, neck and lower back pain, sore arms and shoulders or a combination of these problems.
At CSATS we can cover this topic for you by carrying out the risk assessments required by:-
➤ visiting your premises and carry out a full and comprehensive assessment of all your workstations.
➤ assessing instances of bad seating and posture, looking at the general environment
➤ providing recommendations for improving desk lay out and general ergonomic awareness, including Home Workers or those using serviced offices
➤ providing you with a detailed report with corrective actions for all workstation.
Obviously we can also work in conjunction with you or your health and safety champion utilizing any appropriate forms that you might already have.
Remember these assessments have to be reviewed on a regular basis.
If you contract us to carry out your initial risk assessments there is NO obligation on you to re-commission CSATS to carry out the reviews but we can do this either as a separate project or part of your retainer package if you have taken us on as your competent person.
If you so decide we can also help you with instigating any control measures found to be required after a risk assessment has been carried out thus again minimising your workload.
For further information on this topic please click here to access a pdf download.
CSATS Ensuring Safety AT Work